
Program Purpose and Function

The purpose of this program was to create a simple, fun, and educational quiz about colors.

Code that makes the function:

  • onEvent
  • console.log
  • setScreen

The onEvent function was used to describe an even that ocurred along with what made that event happen. In my program, I mainly used the onEvent button to start a function that would lead to the effects of a button being clicked. I start the onEvent by declaring what page or what button the event is happening on and what will happen to that page or button.

From there, I have my function which includes both a console.log and setScreen piece of code. console.log is a piece of code that tells you what your code is doing in your console. I start with a console.log to log what my code is doing so I can easily track my code. Next, I used a setScreen piece of code because each button in my quiz lead to a different page; setScreen basically sets the screen after I run the onEvent. For example, in my code if you clicked a correct answer, it brought you to the correct answer page.

Data Abstraction

In my quiz, all of my data is stored in the console because I used the console.log code to track what my code was doing.



Overall, I think I did really well creating a simple quiz with code. I used most of the same repititionary code to finish this quiz easily and had a lot of fun.


I mostly enjoyed organizing my code by adding comments and using the command console.log to log things in my console. I couldn't have been more happy with how my simple quiz turned out! :)