
Program Purpose and Function

The purpose of this program was to establish an app that would wow Mr. Yeung and get me extra credit.

Code that makes up the app:

  • onEvent
  • console.log
  • variable
  • if, else, elseif
  • setScreen
  • getText
  • ==
  • //

onEvent - I used this code to start a function that lead to a button or option being clicked.

console.log - used to log all of my code in the console.

variable - I used a variable to define a dropdown menu in order to seperate the options of my dropdown menu.

if, else, elseif - I used this code to make it so my dropdown options would be able to be clicked seperately (took a lot of googling to figure this one out).

setScreen - used to redirect to a certain screen, normally initiated by a button.

getText - used to tell the if else command what to do in case of a certain text clicked.

== - used to see if certain options were equal leading to other parts of code.

// - used to keep my code organized; comments.

Data Abstraction

In my app, all of my data is stored in the console because of the console.log command which tells the console what goes on with each command.



I did really well programming code and keeping organized. Along with learning new things and how to use a dropdown menu. It was a lot of google searches but I figured it out and am proud of my code.