Analyzing Parallel Computing

Once again we will use image lab, this time to review Parallel Computing.

  • Change baseWidth in this line in code to increase computation requirements:def process_image(image, baseWidth=512): For instance 320, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.- Compare Sequential and Parallel computing code and time to achieve outputs
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from pathlib import Path  #
from PIL import Image as pilImage # as PIL Image is used to avoid conflicts
from io import BytesIO
import base64
import numpy as np

# prepares a series of images
def image_data(path=Path("images/"), images=None):  # path of static images is defaulted
    if images is None:  # default image
        images = [
            {'source': "Internet", 'label': "Green Square", 'file': "green-square-16.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Clouds Impression", 'file': "clouds-impression.png"},
            {'source': "Peter Carolin", 'label': "Lassen Volcano", 'file': "lassen-volcano.jpg"}
    for image in images:
        # File to open
        image['filename'] = path / image['file']  # file with path
    return images

# Scale to baseWidth
def scale_image(img, baseWidth):
    scalePercent = (baseWidth/float(img.size[0]))
    scaleHeight = int((float(img.size[1])*float(scalePercent)))
    scale = (baseWidth, scaleHeight)
    return img.resize(scale)

# PIL image converted to base64
def image_to_base64(img, format):
    with BytesIO() as buffer:, format)
        return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()
# Convert pixels to Grey Scale
def grey_pixel(pixel):
    average = (pixel[0] + pixel[1] + pixel[2]) // 3  # average pixel values and use // for integer division
    if len(pixel) > 3:
        return( (average, average, average, pixel[3]) ) # PNG format
        return( (average, average, average) )
# Convert pixels to Red Scale
def red_pixel(pixel):
    if len(pixel) > 3:
        return( (pixel[0], 0, 0, pixel[3]) ) # PNG format
        return( (pixel[0], 0, 0) )
# Convert pixels to Red Scale
def green_pixel(pixel):
    if len(pixel) > 3:
        return( (0, pixel[1], 0, pixel[3]) ) # PNG format
        return( (0, pixel[1], 0) )
# Convert pixels to Red Scale
def blue_pixel(pixel):
    if len(pixel) > 3:
        return( (0, 0, pixel[2], pixel[3]) ) # PNG format
        return( (0, 0, pixel[2]) )
# Set Properties of Image, Scale, and convert to Base64
def image_management(image, baseWidth):  # path of static images is defaulted        
    # Image open return PIL image object
    img =['filename'])
    # Python Image Library operations
    image['format'] = img.format
    image['mode'] = img.mode
    image['size'] = img.size
    # Scale the Image
    img = scale_image(img, baseWidth)
    image['pil'] = img
    image['scaled_size'] = img.size
    image['numpy'] = np.array(img.getdata())
    # Scaled HTML
    image['html'] = '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(image['pil'], image['format'])
    # Grey HTML
    # each pixel in numpy array is turned to grey 
    # then resulting list, using List Comprehension, is put back into img    
    img.putdata([grey_pixel(pixel) for pixel in image['numpy']])
    image['html_grey'] =  '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, image['format'])
    # Red HTML
    img.putdata([red_pixel(pixel) for pixel in image['numpy']])
    image['html_red'] =  '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, image['format'])
    # Green HTML
    img.putdata([green_pixel(pixel) for pixel in image['numpy']])
    image['html_green'] =  '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, image['format'])
    # Blue HTML
    img.putdata([blue_pixel(pixel) for pixel in image['numpy']])
    image['html_blue'] =  '<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s">' % image_to_base64(img, image['format'])
def process_image(image, baseWidth=320):
    image_management(image, baseWidth)
    print("---- meta data -----")
    print("Original size: ", image['size'])
    print("Scaled size: ", image['scaled_size'])
    print("-- images --")

Sequential Processing

The for loop iterates over the list of images and processes them one at a time, in order.

Sequential - going through a sequence.

Parallel Computing

In parallel or concurrent mode, the ThreadPoolExecutor is used to submit each image to a separate worker thread, allowing multiple images to be processed simultaneously. Multithreading allows multiple concurrent tasks of a process at the same time. The method is used to apply the process_image function to each image in the images list.

  • The order in which the images are processed is not guaranteed, as threads are performed simultaneously.
import concurrent.futures

# Jupyter Notebook Visualization of Images
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # setup default images
    images = image_data()
    # Parallel Processsing
    # executor allocates threads, it considers core execution capability of machine
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:, images)  # order is not predictable
---- meta data -----
Green Square
Original size:  (16, 16)
Scaled size:  (320, 320)
-- images --
---- meta data -----
Clouds Impression
Peter Carolin
Original size:  (320, 234)
Scaled size:  (320, 234)
-- images --
---- meta data -----
Lassen Volcano
Peter Carolin
Original size:  (2792, 2094)
Scaled size:  (320, 240)
-- images --

Observing Parallel Computing and Threads

You can observe Processes, CPU Percentage, and Threads with Tools on your machine. Common tools to monitor performance are Activity Monitor on MacOS or Task Manager on Windows.

  • This example is using top launched in VSCode Terminal. (mac)
  • Try top -H for linux.

    • PID is Process ID.
    • COMMAND is task running on machine. Python is activated when running this Jupyter notebook.
    • #TH is number of threads. This increases from 15/1 to 18/1 on my machine when running python parallel computing example.


AP Classroom. Provide answers and thoughts on theoritical question form college board Video in section 4.3. They start at about the 9 minute mark.

  • Example 1
  • Example 2

Data Structures. Build a List Comprehension example

  • list = [calc(item) for item in items]

4.3 Video Notes, Video Question Answers, + Examples


Learning Objectives:

  • For sequential, parallel, and distributed computing:

    • compare problem solutions
    • determine the eficiency of solutions and describe benefits and challenges of parallel distributed computing
  • Describe benefits and challeneges of parallel and distributed computing

Essential Knowledge:

  • Sequential computing is a computational model in which operations are performed in order one at atime
  • Parallel computing is a computational model where the program is broken into multiple smaller sequential computing operations, some of which are performed simultaneously
  • Distributed computing is a computational model in which multiple devices are used to run a program
  • Comparing efficiency of solutions can be done by comparing the time it takes them to perform the same task
  • A sequential solution takes as long as the sum of all of its steps
  • A parallel compution solution takes as long as its sequential tasks plus the longest of its parallel tasks
  • The "speedup" of a parallel solution is measured in the time it took to complete the task sequentially divided by the time it took to complete the task when done in parallel
  • Parallel computing consists of a parallel portion and a sequential portion
  • Solutions that use parallel computing can scale more effectively than solutions that use sequential computing Distributed computing allows problems to be solved that could not be solved on a single computer because of either the processing time or the storage needs involved
  • Distributed computing allows much larger problems to be solved quicker than they could be solved using a single computer
  • When increasing the use of parallel computing in a solution, the efficiency of the solution is still limited by the sequential portion. This means that at some point, adding parallel portions will no longer meaningfully increase efficiency

Sequential, Parallel and Distributed Computing

Computer Tasks

  • A computer needs to handle many tasks as it operates:

    • System Tasks: the operating system has dozens of tasks, like scheduling what it will be doing next, managing hardware, working with the network, etc.

    • User Tasks: executing programs that the user has selected, such as running MS Excel and MS Word, or computer games

  • Tasks need to be scheduled by the operating system. Balance tasks so all CPUs are being used evenly and fully.

☆ Running tasks can be done sequentially, in parallel, and be distributed to other computers.

Sequential Computing

Sequential Computing. Tasks are done one after another, in a sequence. It is a computational model in which operations are performed in order one at a time.

The computer works tasks A, B, C, ... one at a time. Why does a computer use sequential computing to run one task at a time

- **Limited hardware:** It only has one CPU (older hardware).
- **Tasks are dependent:** Task B depends on Task A, Task C depends on Task B, so the needed order is A, B, and then C. 

Execution Time: Sequential Operations add up all the individual task execution times.


  • Task A takes 50ms
  • Task B takes 40 ms
  • Task C takes 35 ms
  • Total processing time is 50ms + 40ms + 35ms = 125 ms

Think of Sequential Computing as items one at a time on a conveyor belt.

Parallel Computing Pt. 1

  • Why Parallel:

    • Hardware driven: New hardware has several processors in one system, called cores. 1 CPU can have 64+ cores. Graphics cards for gaming can have thousands of cores.

    • Faster Operations: Supercomputers link hundreds of CPUs together to work the same problem.

    • Data Driven: A lot of data can be processed the same way (video gaming), called SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data)

    • Solutions that use parallel computing can scale more effectively than solutions that use sequential computing

Parallel Computing Pt. 2

  • Execution Time:
    • Time equals the longest time taken on any given processor.
    • A parallel computing solution takes as long as its sequential tasks plus the longest of its parallel tasks.
    • Parallel processing works best when the tasks are independent from each other--they don't depend on each other's answers.


  • Core 1: Task A takes 45ms
  • Core 2: Task B takes 50 ms
  • Core 3: Task C takes 25 ms; task D takes 30ms
  • Core 4: Task E takes 40 ms

Total time needed: 55ms (Core 3 with tasks C and D in sequence)

--> Total time is 55ms because that's the longest task, the others will run in parallel but take all Tasks will be done by 55ms

Comparing Efficiency of Solutions

Comparing effieciency of solutions can be done by comparing the time it takes them to perform the same task.


☆ Adding up all the individual tasks for execution time.

  • Core 1: Task A takes 50ms
  • Core 2: Task B takes 40ms
  • Core 3: Task C takes 35ms

Total processing time is 50ms + 40ms + 35ms = 125ms


☆ Time is the longest time taken on any given processor

  • Core 1: Task A takes 50ms
  • Core 2: Task B takes 40ms + task C takes 35ms

Total time needed: 75ms (Core 2 w/ tasks B and C in sequence)

Speed Up Time

The "speedup" of a parallel solution is measured in the time it took to complete the task sequentially divided by the time it took to complete the task when done in parallel.

  • Sequential Total processing time is 50ms + 40ms + 35ms = 125ms
    • Parallel total time needed = 75ms
    • Speedup - 125ms / 75ms equals about 1.67ms

NOTE: When increasing the use of parallel computing in a solution, the efficiency of the solution is still restricted by the sequential portion. This means that at some point, adding parallel portions will no longer significantly increase efficiency.

Distributed Computing

☆ Distributed Computing is the sending of tasks from one computer to one or more others. It is a model in which multiple devices are used to run a program.

☆ Distributed Computing can mix sequential and parallel computing, based on how it sends out tasks to other computers to work.

☆ Distributed Computing allows problems to be solved that could not be solved on a single computer because of either the processing time or storage needs to be involved.

  • Examples:
    • Google Web Search: you ask for a search, and Google sends the request to its thousands of servers in the background.
    • Web Services: standards on how computers can ask for task execution over the web. This includes protocals like SOAP, RSS, REST, etc.
    • Beowolf Clusters: special software to group different computers together.

How is Distrubuted Computing different from Parallel + Sequential?

  • Uses more than one physical computer
  • The computers, data, and tasks can be very different from each other
  • Needs a network
  • Is a mix of sequential and parallel execution of tasks
  • Can take longer based on the network and waiting for responses from other computers


  • A computer needs to handle many tasks as it operates
  • Tasks need to be scheduled by the operating system and balance tasks so all CPUs are being used evenly and fully
  • Parallel computing schedule tasks to be executed at the same time
  • Sequential Computing is a computational model in which oiperations are performed in order one at a time
  • Distributed Computing is the sending of tasks from one computer to one or more others. It is a model in which multiple devices are used to run a program
  • Parallel computing consists of a parallel portion and a sequential portion


Example 1

A particular computer has two identical processors which can run in paralle. Each process must be executed on a single processor and each processor can only run one process at a time.

The table below lists the amount of time it takes to execute each of the processes on a single computer. None of the processes are dependent on any of the others.

Process Execution Time
X 50 seconds
Y 10 seconds
Z 30 seconds

What is the minnimum amount of time (approxmate) to execute all three processes when the two processors are run in parallel?

50 seconds, because if you run process Y and Z in parallel the longest amount of time will still be X because it takes the lonest.

Example 2

A computer has two duplicate processors that are able to run in parallel. The table below shows the amount of time it takes each processer to execute eachg of two processes. Neither process is dependent on the other.

Process Execution Time
A 25 seconds
B 45 seconds

What is the difference in execution time between running the two processes in parallel in place of running them one after the other on a single processor?

First, calculate the time run in parallel: 45 seconds. Next, calculate the time run in sequence: 45 + 25 = 70 seconds. Now subtract to find the difference: 70 - 45 = 25 secfond difference from running the two processors in parallel and in sequence.

Example 3

A computer has two processors that can run in parallel. The table below indicates the amount of time it takes each processor to execute four different processes. None of the processes is dependent on any of the other processes.

Process Execution Time
A 25 seconds
B 25 seconds
C 10 seconds
D 40 seconds

Describe how the program should assign the four processes to optimize executrion time?

The four programs should run in parallel of A + B and C + D so the total execution time can be a minnimum of 50 seconds.

Hacks - Build List Comprehension

Even Numbers + Odd Numbers

numbers = list(range(20)) # create list ranging from 20
evens = [] # create wanted list title of evens only

# find numbers divisible by 2 to search for evens and append for listed output
for number in numbers:
    if number % 2 == 0:
# print the even numbers        

odds = [] # create wanted list title of odds only

# find numbers using != the not equal to search for odds and append for listed output
for number in numbers:
    if number % 2 != 0:
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]

Squared list

numbers = list(range(10)) # create list ranging from 20
squared_list = [] # create wanted list title of squared numbers

# find numbers squared by 2 using operator ** and append for listed output
for number in numbers:
# output squared list
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Upper Case

  • did some research on how to do this
cars = ['toyota', 'bmw', 'jaguar', 'honda', 'kia', 'lexus', 'ford'] # create cars list

uppercase_list = [] # create new uppercase list

for element in cars:
    if isinstance(element, str): # isinstance is used to check if it's a string
        uppercase_element = '' # uppercase_element is used to intialize an empty string and go through each character in the string
        for character in element:
            if character.isalpha(): # isalpha() is used to check each character if it's a string
                uppercase_element += character.upper() # upper() element makes lowercase letters into uppercase
                uppercase_element += character # joins two strings together 
        uppercase_list.append(uppercase_element) # appends the uppercased version of the character
        uppercase_list.append(element) # append the character to the uppercase element
# print original cars list in uppercase        