Question 2

I put answer B, the correct answer was A because the IP address of a user’s computer is required for the user to send and receive information on the Internet. The IP address in itself does not contain any extra information about the user.

Question 10

I put answer A, the answer was C, I was wrong because public key encryption is widely used because of the functionality it provides in addressing cybersecurity issues when sending information across the Internet.

Question 12

I put answer B, the answer was A, I was wrong because emails that request the user to click on an unknown link, as well as requests to share password information, are indicative of a phishing attack.

Question 29

I put answer C, the answer was B, I was wrong because the fourth statement assigns the value false to a. The fifth statement assigns the value false to c.

Question 35

I put answer D, the answer was A, I was wrong because for example, when scoreB > scoreC > scoreA, the code segment incorrectly identifies Team C as the winner instead of Team B.

Question 36

I put answer A, the answer was D, I was wrong because code segment III works correctly. Code segment III assigns “C” when the numeric score is less than 80, or “B” if the numeric score is not less than 80 but is less than or equal to 90, or “A” otherwise.

Question 39

I put answer C, the answer was A, I was wrong because inserting this statement between lines 6 and 7 increases the value of count once for each iteration of the outer loop, which results in count being half as large as it should be.

Question 40

I put answer C, the answer was D, I was wrong because after moving forward two squares, turning right, and moving forward four squares, if the robot were to turn right, then the next move forward would put the robot into the black region of the grid.

Question 41

I put answer A, the answer was B, I was wrong because the values can be stored in any numerical base as long as they are sorted.

Question 49

I put answer D, the answer was B, I was wrong because in order to validate the predicted results of a simulation, observed data may be needed for comparison purposes. However, running a simulation does not require observations before it can be used.

Question 50

I put answers B + C, the answers were A + D, I was wrong because as the size of the list grows, the number of steps needed to sort the list grows at an exponential rate, as the number of steps is equal to 2^n for a list of size n. This indicates that the algorithm does not run in a reasonable amount of time.


This test went well, I used google to help me on the test and understand the questions.