Program Purpose and Function

Program Purpose:

The purpose of this program is so users who want to visit places in San Diego can filter activities that cater more to their liking, making it easier for them to find activities to participate in.


The functionality of this program is going to be the users ability to select different activities, manage a budget, + preferred duration time of an activity through a dropdown menu. The user would then press “filter or “filter activities” and the activities would proceed to filter based on the selections of the user.

Data Abstraction

Two code segments:

A list that is going to show how data is going to be stored will be the list of activities and places to visit in San Diego when added into our API. The use of this list will be showed when a student presses filter to see certain activities filtered.

Identifies the name of the variable:

I plan on naming the list of activities in my API as activities

Describes the data in the list:

The list will contain data describing the activities because in order for the user to be able to sort through certain activites, each list will have to be asssigned a activity category, budget, and duration time.

Managing Complexity

List used to manage comlpexity:

The list used to manage complexity will be the one that filters activities, budget, + duration time in the drop down menus.

Explain how the list manages complexity:

The list manages comlexity because it will filter activities in the API and without it the code would be unable to filter the activities at all.

Procedural Abstraction

Student-developed procedure:

A student-developed procedure that I’m thinking I could use is one that would run what would happen if a user were to select an activity from the dropdown menus (of activity, budget, or time). When the user selects it, the drop down menu will need to save the students option and the code will need to too. When the code saves all of these the user will be able to filter without the code forgetting their options. The procedure will be called when the user clicks the selected dropdown option.


This procedure contributes to the functionality because when the user selects something from the dropdown menu it will need to be saved in order for the activities to filter, if not the activities may not oiutput at all or all activities will show.

Algorithm Implementation

Student-developed algorithm

The list that will sort through activities will be used to demonstrate sequincing, selection, + iteration.


In my written response I will identify two calls to the procedure and describe the condition(s) being tested by each call. And I will identify the result of each call.