
What is a Simulation?

  • simple abstraction of a complicated natural phenomena

Notes on Simulations

  • they are digital
  • model real world events
  • you should only incorporate necessary details into a simulation
  • Simulations can use:
    • Procedures/iteration
    • Flowcharts
    • Conditionals

Benefits of Using Simulations

  • Don’t cost money
  • Can be repeated
  • Accurately show different outcomes of one simulation
  • Won’t have safety issues
  • Can gather more data with repitition

True or False

  • A Simulation will always have the same result (T/F) False
  • A simulation investigates a phenomenon without real-world constraints of time, money, or safety True
  • A simulation has results which are more accurate than an experiment False
  • A simulation can model real-world events that are not practical for experiments True



Question Answer
Name: Naja Fonseca  
1 A
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 C
6 A
7 B
8 no #8
9 B