3.1 and 3.2

Reflection on our group presentation: I thought we presented really well for the first group and I had a lot of fun. Our presentation was thoroughly planned out and touched all topics of our lesson (lists, binary, data, data abstraction). I was glad that our group made the class laugh and lightened the atmosphere of stress/nervousness of being the first presenting group.

3.3 and 3.4

My Grade: .9/1

Why: I completed all my notes and answers but should have explained my answers for 3.3 video 2

Reflection: I enjoyed the lesson and thought it was really good. They explained their lesson really well and it was easily understandable. I took notes to keep up with what I learned and payed attention to the best of their ability. I learned about algorithms, iteration, selection, sequincing, arithmic operators, srings, concats, substrings and variables.

3.5 to 3.7

My Grade: 1/1

Why: My grader said I completed all the notes and the lesson with good notes and completed work.

Reflection: I enjoyed the lesson and thought it was organized and well planned out. It went by really fast and I was a bit confused but the teachers were able to help. I took notes to keep up with the lesson and learned about flow charts, relational operators, logical operators, conditional statements, and nested conditionals.

3.8 and 3.10

My grade: .9/1

Why: And I quote “Perfect; really efficient/clever way of avoiding an index out of range error.”

Reflection: I enjoyed the lesson, however it was a little confusing due to the pace of which the presenters presented. However, after going through my own notes and completing the hacks I was able to understand the lesson to the fullest of my potential.

3.9 and 3.11

My grade: .92/1

Why: Took great notes and included vocab, great descriptions and explained each question’s answer well. Good Job!!!

Reflection: I really enjoyed this lesson and the interactions. My favorite part was probably the part where we all rapped it was super enjoyable and fun. I thought the lesson was well paced and overall super fun to have.

3.12 and 3.13

My grade: .9/1

Why: Added everything need and more. Made answers super simple and understandable.

Reflection: This lesson was really good and well paced, I did get a bit confused but was able to figure things out. I thought the pace was a bit fast but overall it was a good lesson and I learned a lot from it.

3.14 and 3.15

My grade: .89/1

Why: I completed everything however, I got a multiple choice question wrong.

Reflection: This was a really good lesson, I loved the pace and presentation it was super well done and I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot from the lesson and thought it was so smooth and really well done.


My grade: .85/1

Why: 4/6; Took good notes on the assignment as well as finished the multiple choice

Reflection: This lesson went by really quick, however I learned a lot. I thought their hacks were simple and easy to complete. I got 4/6 on the multiple choice and didn’t do extra credit.

3.17 and 3.18

My grade: .9/1

Why: No reflection at the end, but really well-done explanations for each hack and all of the hacks were attempted, most were successful.

Reflection: I thought the lesson was really good and really well paced. The hacks were ok except for hack 3 which I found quite difficult. Despite not being able to do it I wrote about the differences in a lengthened code and the shortened code. I learned a lot from this lesson and enjoyed it.